Matt has been in the waste reduction and environmental world since first being inspired as an undergraduate at UC Berkeley back in 2006. He is a builder, designer, and entrepreneur. Through his company Traditional Craftworks, he has designed and built ecological farms and nutritive cycling systems for community living projects and farms throughout the West Coast. Matt built the Urban Adamah farm campus in Berkeley. He brings his excitement and passion for reducing waste in our communities through Re-Up's work and the work of his waste reduction non-profit, WasteWhat.
Peter has worked in the waste sphere for over a decade. He has founded an eco-hauling company, led a city-wide waste-reduction program in Berkeley, and served as a Waste Manager for multiple local non-profits, including SCRAP and the Berkeley Student Cooperatives.
Carly is from the west side of the bottom half of Michigan. She graduated from the University of Michigan where she studied Art & Design and Food Systems. She has been farming for most of her life and has spent the last five years in her 9 – 5 working in the Creative & Marketing world with and for environmental non-profits and agricultural institutions and farms to help better communicate goals, missions, and messaging. She spends her 5 – 9 working on projects for other political and environmental non-profits : )
WasteWhat shares facilities with its flagship project, the Re-Up Refill Shop at 6025 College Ave, Oakland, CA.